A nice peice of work
Not a bad little animation. The fairly simple story was pretty dry and the whole thing didn't rattle my dags at all to be honest. However the animation was at times great, however other times it seemed a little amateurish, tweens too slow, that kind of thing. And the 'cartoony' style of running is fine if you're going there, but it wasn't well executed. The sound effects were appropriate but pretty cutty without music, which would have added a lot to this film. The final shot knocked my vote down a notch - sure, you drew a stripper, but just because it's a good graphic doesn't make it suits this flash in the slightest. Don't let this review get you down though (you'd say it didn't anyway) as it really is a promising little thing, you've got the skill there. An increased pace and a more interesting story with some background music could make your next effort a stunner.