It's evident you tried so I'll try and be constructive on why I'm not giving that impressive a score (3). The way you did the words, while new and interesting, was also very annoying to read. I ended up reading it too fast so I'd be reading what was previously said and everything, I think normal subtitles would be much better. But wait, what would be a million times better than that would be voice acting, even if it's just you putting on a bunch of voices it's infinately better than having to read stuff. I liked your plot, you had a whole plot there but it really did play out far too fast and actually relied on reading your little comments - it would be better if the flash could put the story together itself, with a bit more introduction maybe. You might like to do one in a semi 'wide screen' kind of feel rather than a tiny box too, like have the width 550 and the height 300, or something - when people do that it just seems to bring a touch of class for me. I get touched by the class. Other than that, be prepared to never get too far with sticks on Newgrounds, they've very much had their day, that said i still quite enjoy a well made stick movie. Best of luck with your future flashes.